I managed to spend some time quilting today. Unusual for me, I was actually _hand_ quilting! Some time ago, when I started the hand piecers club at the store, I taught a half dozen or so folks to hand piece by using blocks from the book 'Dear Jane' which features 4 1/2" square patchwork designs from an antique quilt made in the mid-1800's by a woman named Jane Stidwell.
I made seven of these blocks to teach the basics of hand sewing together squares, rectangles, half and quarter square tirangles, eight pointed figures and curved pieces. About a year ago I decided that these were all the tiny blocks I was _going_ to make (very fiddly, these tiny pieces:) and started to assemble the blocks into a small wall hanging. I got it out again last Sunday and finished piecing the setting, then basted it up for hand quilting. I've been quilting it all week, in various small bits of time between customers and tasks. I'm very happy with the way it is coming out.
By no means is this little baby an heirloom job --- but I like it. I will take a photo tomorrow or the next day to post here. :)
I've been very 'down' this week -- things are quite tense for my dear spouse at work ... and that spills over on me. I feel anxious about the current business and political climate in the country, too. (sigh) Sewing is good for me, therapeutic. It gives me focus and a sense of accomplishment. :)
I need to start working on my September chapter of The Mermaid's Tail -- I know what i want this picture to be (it needs to have a really big sea turtle in it), but I have been un able to focus on the task long enough to start. :P Maybe my quilting will help?
Tonight, instead of cleaning house or beading, I've been watching movies from Netflix. I watched a _really_ good Sherlock Holmes movie made in 2004 by the BBC, starring a man named Rupert Everett. Now, my standards for portrayers of SH are pretty high -- I never cared much for Basil Rathbone, for example. I thought he was much, much to 'daily life'-ish. Jeremey (...ugh! dratted memory! can't remember the man's last name) ... (grrr) ... he was an excellent Holmes. I thought he captured the almost tortured essense of Holmes very well. This man Everett did an excellent job, as well. The movie I watched was called "SH and the Case of the Silk Stocking' and was positively riveting. Very, very well written and acted. :)
I seem to be on a mystery 'kick' right now -- have ordered up a number of SH movies of various vintages.
I also watched a fairly recent movie tonight called 'The Last Mimzy' -- this one is a real gem! Totally enchanting and excellently created. I'm surprised it didn't generate more interest when it came out. Definitely worth the time to watch (and, for a rare change, I watched several of the 'dvd special' features; I generally don't bother with those).
So, a little magic, a little science, a little mystery and a little sewing therapy -- life is good. :)