Well, this is a fine how-de-do, as they say. (sigh) I'm home sick again today. :P :P
I have no idea what is wrong with me -- no fever but achy, chilled, sick/nauseous, intestinal upsets, no appetite (believe me, _that_ is rare!). (grrrrr) I'm getting tired of this.
Maybe you can tell I'm not a very good patient. :P I have a great deal of patience in life -- with other people, with my own working progress -- but NOT with infirmity. :P
Well, whine, whine, I guess I'll get better. (sigh) If I don't feel better tomorrow (yes, I've already consulted my physician), I"ll invoke my standard healing routine, reserved normally for a relapse of the Chronic Fatigue -- gentle but persistent exercise, sunshine, and healthy diet. :P If I can keep it down. :P
Maybe i'll get better enough to make some artsy stuff -- right now, I'm watching tv and trying to rest or read (not too well, my eyes are unhappy, too). (grump)