That's the sound of time rushing past me! Usually when I don't make regular posts to this blog, I'm either sick or incredibly busy. :)
I have been sewing, but almost totally it is samples for my store. This one is a spring-themed table runner that is now on display in our front window. I loved working on this! Such pretty, happy colors. :)
I _have_ been knitting in the evenings at home. I"m almost done with my second little girl's sweater for my great-niece, Rae, but no photos to share, yet. Still have to plan a trip to the Brand X fabric shop to buy zippers for them. :)
This beautiful shiny stuff is Swarovski cup-chain. I didn't even know it existed until recently -- it sets off the dragon-ish desires in my heart. (grin!) I have been invited to participate in the Aussie Threads & Fibers March challenge -- to make anything I can dream up with this gorgeous stuff.
I already know what I want to make but have not had time to start yet (goodies just came Sunday -- well, they came in late Saturday's mail but I didn't get them until Sunday:). I'm really looking forward to playing with these. ;)
I got a very nice phone call from my youngest niece today -- she got home safely from her recent trip and sounded pretty happy. She's planning to start school with the coming summer session (she graduated from HS last May) and seems to be doing fine. I am still hoping/planning to go visit my entire family crew in early April (fingers crossed).
Now back to my regularly scheduled tasks -- currently I'm working on the Spring issue of the shop's newsletter (classes, mostly). ;)