Yesterday I set up a nice little sewing corner here in our hotel room - even has a proper iron and board! :). I managed to sew together all eight of the patchwork blocks I want to use for my Stripper's Quilt-Along this fall - in only seven hours! Surprised myself. :)
Here they are (at the risk of boring you:):
As you can see, the strip set I grabbed up to use for these blocks had very little light-to-dark contrast between the fabrics. I think these blocks will end up on a baby quilt for some serene tiny girlie. :) It continues to amaze me how many different blocks you can piece with 2 1/2" wide strips. I know, intellectually, that there are a semi-infinite number of ways to cut up a plane ... but seeing how many blocks 'make sense' still surprises me. :)
Today I tackled the second task I brought along to do while my son and daughter play at the Con. You have probably seen the videos of 'jelly roll race' quilt making - or maybe you've made one. :). I had a design idea about the process and resulting quilt which I wanted to test. I am happy to say that my idea panned out. :)
Here is the 1600" quilt top I made, adding accent pieces between each strip:
I am going to teach this as a fun sewing day out this fall - twice (once on a weekday, once on Saturday). :)
Tomorrow I am planning to go quilt shopping - there's a new place in this town to check out! (very kindly shared with me by my friend Barbara B.) :)