This little bit of Winnie the Pooh always cracks me up. :) A quilting friend posted it on FB which reminded me again of the aptness of the story. :) No earthquakes here ... but we got sunshine yesterday _and_ today:
This is the view yesterday in the early afternoon, out my living room window. As you can see, my house leaks warmth - creating the energy to make those icicles. Sunshine made them sparkle. Sure hope they didn't represent an ice dam in the works, shoving water up under our shingles. :)
I spent most of yesterday and part of today sewing on rosette #3 for my Millefiore quilt. It has been a voyage of discovery - the way I like best to work. I have a project box of fabrics (mostly fat quarters with a few half yards) from which I draw whatever grabs my interest as I am working the rounds. Here is how my rosette looked at the end of yesterday:
Sometimes I get kind of silly as I am sewing (after all, I do have to keep myself entertained, right?:). Here is how those bright outer hex units looked as I was making them - I think they look like a shuttle craft docking with freight modules:
When I had attached these units, I realized that I could create a large flower with the alternate units, if I colored them correctly.
Can you see where this is going? Here's the result, by the end of today's sewing:
I am debating whether to replace the six yellow diamonds on the outside of those large pink petal shapes ... maybe with green? That would confine the yellow to the inside of the large pink petals and make a more obvious echo for the central yellow flower. :)
I got tired of sewing around 7:30 p.m. and I haven't looked at the rest of the design very carefully. I know there are parts of at least two more rounds. I get so excited to see what fun I can have next! :) I do admit that I'm easy to please. :)
I also finished the Snowdrop scarf I have been crocheting yesterday and managed to block it today. I decided to try Barbara's suggestion and took it outside to stage some photos. The yarn I used for this was a ball of Zauberwolle in 'ombre' - the colors morph as you cross the scarf and I _really_ like the results:
I got to wear it today when I went out in the early afternoon to run errands. Unfortunately, one errand had an unpleasant result - a gentleman backed into my car as I was leaving the Home Depot parking lot (he was very obviously at fault - I doubt if he even looked before he backed out 'cause I was big as life and bright blue). Sigh. More phone calls. :P
I did accomplish all my chores, though. Managed to talk to my daughter Eva twice this afternoon, via Face Time. Baby O is looking cuter than ever and Eva is having fun creating her own shawl pattern with the Fibonacci series. I can't wait to see the results. :)
Tomorrow is the monthly meeting of the Baltimore Modern Quilt Guild - I am soooo looking forward to it!
:) Linda