This was the view out my front window this morning when I went downstairs for breakfast. Can you tell it is still snowing? It has been snowing all day ... not sure how much accumulation we have so far, but the height of the new snow is even with my front step. :)
As is traditional here in Maryland, snow days mean stay-at-home-and-play days. :) So, I sewed all day today. Happy me!
Here's the view out my living room window:
Closest to us is the under-eaves part of the yard space (you can tell, the snow is shallower:). These bushes generally provide cover for lots of small birds. I went out right after I took this photo and spread some black oil sunflower seed around on our front step and under the eaves (to the right of this photo) - way, way too much snow to slog off away from the house to spread seed. :)
Most of what I worked on today was the start of rosette #3 for my Millefiore quilt:
As you can see, it is nothing like perfect...but I'm happy with it. :) I'll add more pink and orange and green in the next round.
I also managed to wash dishes and watch several episodes of Walking Dead today. I am watching WD on Netflix, starting from the beginning. I hate to come into a series in the middle. I did skip the last three episodes in season 2 - got really bored of the town's weasely commander. I'll go back and watch those parts of the story later, when my tolerance for bombast has increased. LOL.
Likely to be home tomorrow, too. Doubt they'll get around to plowing our little cul-de-sac until late in the day (it's still snowing out as I write this). Skip is enjoying his time off by playing new computer games.
:) Linda