The weather has been glorious the past two days - sunny, low 70's, sweet smelling spring air. Happy sighes! I managed to go outside both days, though not too far. Yesterday I walked out to our mailbox to retrieve the pile of mail - maybe 150 yards from our front door (we have cluster mailboxes in Columbia - about 25 or so houses' boxes on each stand). At some point while I was away, the city came through and installed these yellow grates at each intersection (see photo above) - it struck me pretty forcefully how similar in design this grate is to my modern quilt guild swap quilt. :) I can see how people might work in series - think how interesting my quilt-let might be with the coloring shown above - a doubled arrangement of 'plus' motifs. :)
Today I felt a little bit better so Hugh and I went out for a while. Drove to the post office and to get lunch at a drive through (something very light for me) - then went down to sit by Dockside and eat. There were lots of people out walking, with and without dogs, riding bikes, etc. We even saw two motorcycle police (electric cycles, no noise:) on the paths. First time I've ever seen that - have seen bicycle cops there, but the motorcycles are new. :)
The air smells soooooo good when spring is near. My daffodils have yellow buds on them - if these temperatures hold up, they'll be blooming by early next week I'm sure. :)
I am getting quite stir crazy from being home for so long .... but still not feeling well. I sure hope my doctor knows his diagnosis - my stomach, while no longer rejecting food, still hurts terribly. I get hungry (shaky, headache-y), but when I eat, my stomach hurts for hours afterwards and I am nauseous. :P Very unpleasant. Truly nasty virus.
After we got back, in the early afternoon, I mustered my strength and started tackling the table runner project again. First up was removing the papers from behind each hexie. I am pretty heavy handed with the glue so I had to spray each bit with a little water to help dissolve the glue. Makes a real mess.
I have a very handy pair of little tweezers to use for those tiny corners and bits of the paper that break off (see them in the photo, right in front of my machine, with the green handles). Took me about an hour to remove all the papers - taking care not to rip out the seams I had so carefully sewn, of course. :)
Some time ago when Rose Hahn was still teaching at my shop, we carried a product called Stable Magic (I think) - was a paper-like sheet that you could use for foundations, templates, etc. that dissolves in water. I think I need to invest in something like that if I want to do this kind of glue-basted and sewn by machine EPP again. Less hard work to just leave the 'papers' inside. :)
One thing I will say - the papers that came with this pattern (from Sue Daley in Australia) were different than those I have used before. They were made with coated paper, maybe index card weight, and the water/glue, etc. slides right off. Much stronger than the usual papers. :)
Once all that mess was cleared up, I took a good look at my piece and decided to add edge and corner fabrics to make the shape easier to bind. Here's how that worked out:
When I go back to working on the project (tomorrow I hope), I will piece another backing and sandwich to quilt the piece. I have not decided whether I will use the backing I already pieced and add to it or make another runner with it and create whole new backings. Something to consider.
I sure hope this stomach stuff stops bothering me soon ... makes the nice weather much less pleasant to enjoy. Sigh.
:) Linda
PS I have decided when I will travel for my spring trip to the midwest ... now to get all my ducks in the row.