In the spirit of that quote, I've been plugging along at my tentacle sewing. :) I _think_ I am about three fourths of the way done with the sections needed to be sewn. My son observed that in addition to sewing together a jigsaw puzzle, I'm making the puzzle pieces first. :)
Here's what I have added:
These are sections L and M.
Finally starting to look like tentacles. :)
I can only make two sections a day - this is truly tedious sewing at its best!
I had a podiatry appointment this afternoon. I'm going every other month or so right now. It costs me about $60 each time to carve off the callouses and hardened skin on my poor feet (sort of like an expert pedicure without the polish:). One of the more difficult (for me) parts of aging has been how much maintenance my body needs to stay healthy. Sigh.
While I was waiting for the doctor, I watched a big bird fly gyres above the tree tops out the (fourth floor) window of the exam room. I think it was a vulture - but whether the common Turkey Vulture of the less-common Black Vulture, I could not tell. It was maybe a mile away from me (in a straight sight line).
I watched it flying in high circles - maybe twice around while looking at the ground really well, then the next circle would move a bit farther away .... over a ten minute period it covered a LOT of ground/sky. I watched it until it was too small for me to resolve with my eyes. Seemed like a very thorough search pattern! The natural world is endlessly entertaining to me. :)
Other than my appointment and my sewing, today has been quiet. I started a new book (having finished the others) - Bluegate Fields by Anne Perry.
Hmm, did I mention I also read An Obvious Fact by Craig Johnson? That's one of the Walt Longmire books - I so much enjoyed the TV series, I went and found the first of the books ... and am slowly working my way through them. :)
It was damp and drippy again today. Not a bad temperature at 73 degrees. Everything is lush and green in Maryland.
:) Linda
PS. Linking to Let's Bee Social on Sew Fresh Quilts. :)