In early February I had a doctor's appointment and noticed this forsythia bush on my way out - blooming especially early in this year, even for our fairly warm area. We have had a much-milder-than-usual winter (with the exception of a ten day period in late December that was _much_ colder than usual).
I took this photo of the daffodils near my front step this morning. We have lived in our house since January 1987. Only ONCE before have the daffodils bloomed this early (the year my daughter was about 11 years old).
It was over 70 degrees today!! It has not been that warm in late February since 1874!! The world here in Maryland was a very different place then. Wow!
The past week has been more than usually blah for me. My stomach/intestines have been giving me troubles. I _think_ it is some kind of developing food sensitivity as I have no fever or other sign of infection (and negative Covid tests twice). Sigh. I took my condo crew grocery shopping on Tuesday afternoon (which was a mistake, health-wise). Otherwise, just filling the two bird feeders in my front yard was a huge effort. :P
Tomorrow is Sewing With Friends day at my friend Barbara's house. I look forward to some zen stitching!