Imagine this cozy fire burning in my heart - that is today's lasting impression. :) Was a lovely day by my reconning. The weather was mild though gray - high in the mid40s.
Right after breakfast I went outside for a short walk - had to break out my gloves as the breeze was a bit nippy for my fingers. :)
I took a pleasant nap in the early afternoon - I have started setting my iWatch's alarm to wake me up so my naps don't eat the entire afternoon. :) After the nap I went upstairs to my sewing room to work on more zipper pouches. This time I did remember to take photos of my more recent products:
I'm not using any particular pattern to make these but am experimenting with different ideas. These two are made from left over block bits and finished with seams to the outside. I like the extra body those allow for and the somewhat graphic nature of the results.
Here you can see the way the boxed bottom looks. The boxing makes for a sturdy stand-up pouch.
I stopped with half of this one quilted. I have learned over the years to stop working at a point where the next thing needed to be done is obvious. That keeps me from dithering my time away when I come back to sew next time, trying to figure out where to start. :) ADD at work.
I re-discovered the usefulness of glue as a basting method for sewing down the seam binding strips on these pouches. :)
I also remembered that I have not shared my newest bird stamp here:
This is my 'take' on a Northern Cardinal - at least two couples of which visit my feeders daily. I am pretty sure at least one of those nests in our yard as I see them often and hear them sing in the warmer months.
Around 6:45 p.m. I picked up my brother Kevin and took him around to Symphony Woods to see the holiday light display. Soooo cheerful in the dark winter night! I took one photo to share:
Hokey as they may seem, I really enjoyed doing this again. Happy, happy and cheerful. There is a reason this season of the year inspires bright colorful lights in nearly every region with winter on Earth! :)
After our tour, we drove over to the Barnes&Noble bookstore at Columbia Mall. There is a Starbucks cafe inside where Kevin and I bought desserts (brownie and Gus' Dry Ginger Ale for me, chocolate chip cookie for him). It was fun to browse through the shop after we ate. I picked up four boxes of Christmas cards on sale and Kevin found a second dragon-themed 2024 calendar for himself.
Tomorrow has some planned chores and a trip to play with jigsaw puzzles, I think.
:) Linda