This was a pleasant week in the fairly-uneventful life of me. :) The azaleas and rhododendrons are still blooming. The pretty deep pink one above was flourishing in the beds outside my doctor's office on Thursday afternoon (more in a sec). It has rained a fair bit this week so I expect the Azalea and Rhododendron gardens near Brighton Dam are muddy and maybe a bit delayed in blooming - usually exceptional in time for Mother's Day. :)
I forgot to share a couple of photos I took at my guild's quilt show week before last. I gave up taking photos except of things I want to remember for my 'make this!' list. :)
This quilt by Linda K. of my guild excites me (I think she and I might be hidden tribe members as this is not the first thing I've seen of hers I'd like to copy:). I have thought about making this quilt ever since the book first came out but have been cautious about the matter - I'm not sure I have the persistence to make this many small blocks of the same pattern. :)
Linda used fabrics from her extensive Halloween themed stash which I especially love. :) There was another quilt of this design in the show (forget who made it) - but the maker set the blocks horizontally in rows. A different take on the theme. :)
I don't know where this pattern came from (do you?) but I love it. Autumn and pumpkins are among my favorite themes ... and using William Morris prints to do this just caps it off for me. Great idea! Sadly, I neglected to record who made this quilt.
This past Monday was the monthly meeting of Mimi Dietrich's Grad Class at Bear's Paw quilt shop in Towson. Mimi was still out (knee replacement) so we had a good chin wag about the Measure For Measure project for the Folger Shakespeare Library. I worked on my block during the meeting and got the rest of the crazy piecing almost finished (one more triangle block left to add:). Attendance was down a bit (the weather was wet and gray) but we had fun, as always. I bought some more 'leave in' English Paper Piecing templates and a very pretty panel of a gray hawk.
I did go to the evening meeting of Faithful Circle on Monday evening (the first Monday of the month is always a loooooong day with two guild meetings:). We took the hanging sleeves off the Linus Project charity quilts so the quilts could be donated soon. I also delivered the two quilts of my friend Kathy I picked up from the guild show for her as well as the raffle basket she won. :)
Tuesday I took my brother Kevin to lunch at Taco Bell (his choice) and grocery shopping at our local Giant. I enjoy my afternoons with him - nice to have family nearby. Unlike my usual, I went into the condo with him to help put away groceries. I had promised to make him some cinnamon rolls (from a can:) and baked them while I worked on my jigsaw puzzle. At the rate I am finding pieces, it won't be finished before fall. :)
Wednesday I pretty much slept through the day. Was not feeling well - just draggy and sloooow. Probably a result of the weather which was continuing to be gray and dismal.
Thursday afternoon I had an appointment to see a new eye doctor for my every-two-year exam. Well, really he was an old doctor - I went to him for some time and then he moved his offices and I started going to someone else. Now I'm back to him as I figured out where he moved to. :) I like him (Dr. Sirotkin). Got to see the azaleas I pictured at the top of this post (although my image was much blurrier than what my camera saw - dilated eyes you know:).
Today I had thought to go out but it was rainy and cool again. NO ambition at all in me. :P I did some sewing in the middle afternoon and otherwise just laid about and read, trying to stay warm under my quilts. Brrr! I did have a nice FaceTime call with my daughter this evening.
It is supposed to rain quite a bit this weekend and be in the 60s. Not my idea of great May weather. Think I'll stay in and sew!