We have arrived in summer with very hot weather this week - upper 90s and humid. Pretty general Maryland summer except that we had what I think was a fairly cool spring with lots of rain so no one is mentally or physically prepared for this heat. :P I myself am spending a bit of time indoors in the air conditioning. The daylilies have been blooming for a couple of weeks now - I love them! So do the deer, sadly, as I'd like to plant a stand of them (but they'd just be another serving in the deer smorgasbord that is our yard).
Just before the heat wave started (of course) I decided to try container gardening on my back deck and bought a small window box and three little plants - two Caladiums and a Lantana. So far they are doing well despite (or because of?) the heat. I will see how they do for this year. IF I succeed in keeping them alive and prosperous, I'll expand my collection next summer. Maybe into herbs. :)
I'm so far behind in writing here that I've kind of lost track. I think I will start with my most recent outings and makings and work my way backwards.
This past Friday I went to the annual Annapolis Quilt Guild show with my friend Barbara. I saw a lot of quilts I really liked but I'm only going to share a few here in the interest of not boring anyone. :)
I was really struck by this quilt. First because I love improv, then because I particularly like the plus sign motif (to me, it stands for inclusivity), then because I am acquainted with Judy Shapiro (she used to teach for me in my quilt shop) and had no idea she did patchwork as the only works of hers I've seen have been Baltimore-style applique designs. :)
This quilt speaks to my mothering heart. :) I also admire the photographic quality of the design - one type of quilt working I have not attempted (yet).
I adore this quilt! I like 'bugs' to start with ... and the collage-style applique technique used with this design. Would love to make something like this one. :)
Well, that's only 3 quilts but it was a good show and there were many more I enjoyed. :)
Sunday this past weekend was the monthly meeting of Sew&Tell and there was a little bit of show and tell after our lunch break. Unfortunately I'm having trouble with our internet connection and I cannot seem to get my photos to load decently right now - will have to try again another time.
:) Linda